It’s that time of year that 1/3 of the population love, 1/3 of the population despise, and the remaining 1/3 just ignores completely. That’s right, Valentine’s Day is here! Or was here, rather! It’s Valentine’s night now, and today has been a day filled with tender moments and many a shared laugh with my significant other. So here’s hoping our past clients and lovers, and future couples are all able to say they’ve been able to enjoy the same. And if not today, than yesterday, or perhaps tomorrow. The day truly is irrelevant, and it’s taking the time to express your love for one another and really relish in those moments that matter most. And now, on to our fabulous Saturday.

We had a chance to sleep in a bit, of course with cats disturbing that by wandering about on our pillows and meowing for breakfast in our faces. The day started with delicious coffee and a walk to the corner store for eggs and milk, reminiscing about our past, and having all sorts of lovely nostalgic moments. Talking about how we met, how long we’ve known each other, and how much we have grown together as a couple, as a working partnership, and with ourselves. The sun was out, the day was young, and we haphazardly decided to get it started right with a bike ride for some random groceries, and some clothing shopping. We let ourselves take detours, and an alternative route, because why not really? The day was gorgeous and we were in good spirits, with no need to rush for anything. Just enjoying the day for what it was. At home, we decided to clean house a bit, minor tasks like floor mopping and laundry, followed by more work on photos from the recent weddings we photographed end of January.

We made our first attempt ever at making our own egg salad for sandwiches, as it is a favourite of both of ours, but somehow we have not made it ourselves in the 6 years we’ve known each other. Madness! So, swap the mayo with some fresh avocado, mashed with perfectly boiled eggs, finely chopped onion & celery, a tablespoon of mustard and sprinkled with salt, pepper and paprika and voilĂ ! Our delicious dinner for two for Valentine’s day! And, to follow that all up, we are going to watch a movie and pinch some gourmet perogies Ă  la potato/cheese/pesto! Yum! So, with that, we will at least post a few of the teasers from the first wedding we photographed January 21st, with Krista & Dennis at Azul Sensatori in Puerto Morelos.

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