End of Summer Sale!!!
It’s hard to believe that September is already here, and I guess that means summer is drawing to an unfortunate close. It’s strange how, essentially, the 4 seasons are all meant to be on a 3 month rotation based on the Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice (which are approximately December 22nd and June 21st), when we have the shortest day of the year, and the longest day of the year, respectively. And then, we have Spring and Autumn Equinox, which bring us days and nights of equal length, and typically happen March 20th and September 22nd. Unfortunately, with the way most schooling is structured, we tend to perceive Summer has the months without school, and thus only truly consider July and August our “Summer months”. For those of you interested in reading a bit more about how the positioning of the Sun and the Earth result in these seasonal changes, feel free to enjoy, and share, the knowledge from reading further: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Season
And with that, what I’m really just trying to get at here is, Summer isn’t over just yet, so don’t despair! Kids may have gone back to school but that’s doesn’t mean we have to mourn for the end of our Summer days just yet! And, to ring in the end of the season, and the welcoming of my personal favourite, Autumn, Jasmin & Matt Wedding Photography is offering a discount for those last minute 2014 destination weddings being booked. If you are inquiring for a wedding occurring on, or before, December 31st, 2014 we have a 10% discount credited to the package of your choice! Just fill out our Contact Form or send us an email [email protected] to let us know of your 2014 wedding date and for further package information!
Mexican Sunset from our rooftop